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Zhongneng Lithium Technology (Jiaxing) Co., LTD

solar storage solutions

This is the first you've heard of solar power, right? It is a different type of energy that comes from the sun and it really means everything for us. It is a renewable form of energy and hence, solar power will never be exhausted or run out. The easiest way to catch solar energy and turn it into electricity that we can use for our homes or devices is through the familiar square panels. And interestingly, we can also store this solar energy to use later. Solar storage is just that — a way to store the energy we create in case of cloudy days, and battery technology will be important if all these awesome new inventions are going to work.

How solar storage changes the game

As a result, solar storage is arguably the most crucial application for this technology: addressing one of the greatest challenges with running any kind of significant fraction of our energy consumption on solar power — that it doesn't always work when and where we need it to. The sun does not shine all day, so the solar panel can only take advantage of when it is out during daylight hours. The problem is that we want electricity 24/7, not just when the sun is up (ex: night time) or behind a cloud. And hence solar storage is perishable. We can fill it during the day with energy coming from sun that we collect somewhere and then use this stored power to provide electricity when there is no sunlight. That means we get to have the full benefits of solar power all day long!

Why choose UXI solar storage solutions?

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